Free Money Meditation

Download my free money mediation below to shift your money mindset and begin to develop a more clear, confident, and abundant relationship with your money.


How to change Your Relationship with Money

In this episode of the Money Mindset Podcast, we dive deeper into what it truly means to build wealth and foster a positive relationship with money. Prepare to shift your perspective and cultivate a positive relationship with money, focusing on abundance rather than lack.


Continue your financial education

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Buy the Energetics of Money Ebook

Buy the Money Mindset Matters Ebook

Meet The Podcast Host Ana Pereira

Ana Pereira is a visionary entrepreneur, money educator, and the inspiring voice behind the Money Mindset Podcast. Having achieved financial freedom through strategic investments and savvy financial planning, Ana now generously shares her experience to help individuals develop their financial education and cultivate a strong, positive relationship with money.